The kids had their flu shots last wednesday and on thursday they got sick with a cold. Which they still have. My poor babies. They are getting better though.
This past weekend I drove up to my mom's and we hung out and went to the Santa Barbara Zoo, which I don't have any pictures of yet, my mom is going to put the pictures she took on a disc for me and then I will put some of them on here. We had a good weekend and we are now ready for Halloween, because once Halloween is over, then we know Daddy will be here in a couple of weeks! :)
Our Countdown to us leaving CA and on our long 4 day roadtrip adventure to N.C is getting closer, about 8 weeks to go. We wish we were leaving tomorrow.
Our Countdown to Disneyland is getting closer too. That we can not wait for. The kids are going to be in "AWW"..hopefully with good attitudes that day too. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
I have been selling stuff on ebay and craigslist. With alot of luck, everything I have put on, has sold.
Getting boxes and packing is also what I have been up to.
Chase is continuing his pre-school class once a week for an hour and a half. He really loves it.
Iam thinking of having Chase's 3rd birthday a month before his actual birthday due to the big move and not knowing anyone in N.C. So I am thinking about having the party at Chuckie Cheese on Saturday the 13th of december. No family's just for his friends in his pre-school class. A short and content little party for my baby chase. I feel bad since we will be in a new place, that Chase won't be having a REAL birthday party. So this will be nice.