Sunday, May 2, 2010
5 Month update
So let me write a brief recap of what has happened in the last 6 months.
Starting with January.
January 2010
Major earthquake strikes HAITI. Haiti lives in poverty so it was already known by the world and the US Government that the country was going to need our help. By the time Chase's 4th birthday had shown up on the 13th of January, Andy had known he and his command were going to be sent over to Haiti. Even though Andy was working over 12 hours a day and 7 days a week to prepare his command for Haiti, I continued to follow through with my plans and host Chase's Soldier birthday party. Our close friends, neighbors and children came to celebrate. The party was a success and we all had fun. Andy came home the last hour of the party and had some cake. That following week Andy's command had a pre-deployment meeting to brief us the families on what was to be expected of this deployment to Haiti. We all were told our loved ones would be over in Haiti for up to 6 months. I then prepared myself for the next 6 months to be a lonely spouse, but to also promise myself that I would keep my plate full and to only think positive. At the pre-deployment meeting they were asking for volunteers to make an FRG (Family Readiness Group) for ACB-2 (Andy's command). I volunteered and was proudly accepted to be the Secretary for the FRG team. Not only was I excited and thrilled to be apart of my husbands job, but it would require for us the team to hear some news before everyone else in certain circumstances. A couple of days after all was said and done for their journey in Haiti, the command had left.
February 2010
Andy was now in Haiti. I had only heard from him once and that was for him to confirm to me that he had made it to Haiti safely. By this time I was involved with the FRG, signing Chase up for t-ball, looking for preschools for Chase, looking for Active Classes for Madison, Signed the kids up for their own Story time classes at our local library and trying to keep us all occupied.
Valentines day had came and gone. Just another day, nothing special. Bought the chidren their summer wardrobes, had a Yard Sale to sell alot of the kids toys and clothes that were too small for them. Which by they way I made a little over $100 at that yardsale, by just selling small misc items. By then end of Feb. I starting hearing from Andy via e-mail, which is nice. We have Sprint for cell phone service and we didnt have reception their, so Andy had to end up using other peoples phones for a couple minutes at a time to reach me and to let me know he was okay. Due to security breaches I can not discuss how, where or what happened in Haiti. During this month we also had a major snow storm. We had over 8 inches of snow fall within 2 days. It was very beautiful. We did not go anywhere for about 4 days. The kids and even our dog loved it, but I was very sad that Andy missed it all. None the less it was 8 inches of snow in Virginia Beach out of all places.
March 2010
I was now writing e-mails to Andy and having emails sent to me from him almost on a daily basis. Chase and Madison were enjoying their story time classes at the library every week, Chase was now signed up for T-ball and having his first practices. The kids were doing great.
I as you know I am always struggle with my health. Fibromyalgia, Intersitial Cysitis, Arthritis, nodules on my thyroid ( which I had a biopsy for and they came back cancer free), then now that Andy was gone something new had come up. Throwing up everything I ate. It was the middle of March and I had enough of the vomiting. I then find out that they have started sending the guys/gals home from Haiti. One group huge group had came home that monday, I was then told that Andy's group was due to come in a couple of days later. At which he then did. My husband had to come home to his wonderful wife vomiting every couple of hours. Not what I had planned. We had made a sign (the kids and I) held it up for Andy to see as he was coming out of the terminal. It was a bit emotional but we were all so relieved to have them all home. That following week I was diagnosed with Gastroperesis (Your stomach muscle is paralized). No surgery required except the EGD I had done. But I am now on a medicene that is well-known for lawyer suits. Reglan. It has helped the Gastro problem 100%. My body depends on it, because if I even miss one dose, I then start vomiting again. But I am doing well. :)
April 2010
Spring has come, April fools has passed and Easter was here. Andy was on leave so we all took a vacation to North and South Carolina. We stayed with my grandparents who are neighbors with my mother in North Carolina and the kids stayed with my mom. We had alot of fun and had seen alot of wonderful things. We also visited my good friend Kara and he family in South Carolina. I met Kara when we were all stationed in Hawaii. The vacation was only 1 week, but it all was well needed. The drive wasn't too bad. It takes us a good 6-7 hours both ways. Nothing is like home though, and it felt mighty good to be home. Andy then went back to work and was told he is leaving again for the Middle East at the end of May. :( He is only supposed to be gone for about 6 weeks just about the same time he was in Haiti. 6 weeks I can do. :) Chase has now had baseball games. I love watching him play. He is growing up! I had signed Chase up for a grant funded preschool back in Feb. It is a FREE preschool if you get accepted. I had called them because I had not heard anything on weather or not Chase was in or out. They had told me that Chase was in. Yay!!! Now they are not sure if he is on the wait list or if he has been put on the schedule. We will find out more once school is out in June. I am excited about it and it is now one less thing to worry about. Once Chase starts in september, I will be signing Madison up for some classes at our local recreation center.
May 2010
It is now May. I turn 24 on monday. I feel alot older, but yes I will be 24. May is going to be a VERY busy month.
Just this weekend alone has been busy. Chase had team and self pictures for t-ball, we went to the beach all day yesterday after Chase's game, then I went to dinner and a movie with my friend Laura. Today we brought out our GIANT inflatable slide for the kids, then tonight I go for another dinner and a movie with my friend Karen. All for my birthday tomorrow.
Next weekend we have a birthday party, I have my massage and spa pedicure from my husband for my birthday, then sunday is Mothers Day and strawberry picking. The next weekend we have another birthday party and we are going to see Sesame Street on stage. The next weekend we have another t-ball game of Chase's, then a yard sale then church. Andy's mom and step-dad are supposed to be stopping by on their way to Florida at the end of May before Andy leaves on deployment. May is busy busy I tell ya. :)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Its been awhile
We moved from Granite Falls, NC to Virginia Beach, VA. We are really enjoying it here. We have wonderful neighbors and friends. The kids have other kids to play with and I am loving what the military has to offer here.
Over this year of 2009, I have blossomed into a new person. I love the new me and so does my hubby ;) . I think once you know who you are as a woman and what you want in life, its alot easier to love yourself. Once you love yourself, its easier for people to love you. I am not afraid of myself and I let me be me.
Madison is 2 now. Well to be specific she is 2 years and 3 months. Chase is turning 4 in a couple of weeks. Our puppy Yogi, if not a pup anymore. He is 1 now. Harley our bird is still hanging in there. Harley is now 14 years old. Andy turns 27 this sunday. It is his "Golden Birthday".
The Holidays were great this year. In October we had some of my family come out and we took a trip to Washington DC which is only 3 hours from here. Thanksgiving, I had more of my family come out and we celebrated with family and friends. Christmas was just the four of us, and it was grand. Andy has duty tonight so he went to bed around 3pm on Christmas day. Poor guy. Now onto 2010.
Andy starts Weapons Training 35miles from here. He will be doing training the whole month of January. I will hardly see him, but at least he will be sleeping at home. Andy then goes on FEX for a couple of weeks in March/April. Then he deploys to Lithuania in June for 3-6 months. I am going to get the kids the "Hug a Hero" Doll. I take a picture of Andy in his working uniform and upload it to the website, they then make a doll out of the picture. They are really cute. That way the kids can hug, kiss and take the daddy doll anywhere.
Madison has been battling ear infections all of this year. She is going to see a ENT doctor for her ears in January to see what they are going to do about her ears. I feel so bad for her. Ear infections are painful, and I don't want her going through it anymore. She has had 5 already this year and the infection she has now she has had for over one month. Madison has gone through 3 different antibiotics and they still are not helping. We will see what the doctor says in January.
Well, thats all I am going to say for now. Here are some pictures to recap the last couple of months of 2009.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Busy Busy For The Next 10 Days
The next day (September 1st) is my surgery. Laperoscopy and Cystoscopy. They doctors will be doing some procedures on my bladder and then some procedures in my abdomen and pelvic area. Taking biopsies, removing whatever they find and what not. I will be out completely with general anesthesia. I am REALLY nervous. I am a total worry wart when it comes to situations that are totally out of my control. Me being put out and not being able to breath on my own and not being able to know whats going on around me, much less in my body, is very mind bottling.
I am praying I wake up and do not die. I sound like a total freak, but I am scared and that is my life. I am the first patient of the day, so my doctor will hopefully be fresh and non-stressed with a full previous nights of sleep. I however have to wake up around 4am and leave around 5am to make it to the hospital by 5:30am-6am which is the time they want me there. I can not eat breakfast so I will have low blood sugar which makes me VERY crabby. My mom and grandmother are coming up the night before to stay with me. My grandmother will be staying with the kids while my mother takes me and stays with me at the hospital.
My doctor said the surgery will take about 1 hour and then I will be in recovery for a couple of hours. I am hope they find something that will explain my bladder and pelvic pain.
On top of all of that going on south in my body, I seem to have more health issues north in my body. I saw my neruologist. He said my reflexes were not good and because of my migraines on the left side of my head, they ordered me to have an MRI with contrast on my brain. Then he felt my thyroid and it hurt and it felt swollen, so he ordered a ultrasound on that and on my liver. I had 20 tubes NO JOKE of blood taken from me for testing. Since I am anemic, that didnt go so well. I had all of those tests done about 5 days ago, and when I called my doctors office the other day, they still have not recieved the results. So I HAVE to call tomorrow. Something must have been elevated in my bloodwork for my doc to order a liver ultrasound. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis so my nerves are always up in a roar. I am so glad I am on muslce relaxants at night. I truely sleep like a baby thanks to those pills.
Due to my surgery, I will be out for a couple of days. Which brings me to friday September 4th. That is the day my Hubby is home and mine for good. Well until his next deployment at Little Creek in VA. Which should be in the summer of next year. Hubby got us a house in Navy housing right outside the Little Creek Base. Excited about that. 3bedroom. I looked up the address on Google Earth and it looks nice. Back to Navy housing, thankgoodness. Paying utilites is stressful. We are moving September 9th. Our new place is only 6 hours from where we are at now. Hubby will be driving the U-Haul with our dog, while I follow in our van with the kids and the bird. We sleep at the Navy lodge that night and then we pick up our keys in the morning on the 10th.
Madison's birthday is 1 week from today. We will be having some friends over and family. A little get together, nothing big. Very quiet and calm.
Madison is talking ALOT. She almost has all of her teeth in. She REALLY wants to be potty trained. She will take off her pants/shorts, then her diaper and will squat on the floor and go potty. I packed the potty, thinking she woudln't be trained until 3 years of age like Chase. WRONG. So, I can't wait until we get to the new house so I can unpack the potty and get her started. The next step is getting her off of the binky. We took Chase's away at 2 and he only had 3 days of screaming and crying, then he was over it. Hoping the same for Maddy.
Chase is doing very well. He knows way too much for his age. He is showing ALOT of responsibility for being 3.5. The other day there was a mess of crackers made on the floor. Chase got out the Vaccum, plugged it in and cleaned up the mess along with vaccuming the whole upstairs without me asking him or showing him anything. Good kid.
That is our current update. Pray for me in my surgery. I will update again after we are all moved in, in our new house in Virginia Beach, Virginia! :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Time is flying by...
My kids have been in tow with me wherever I go and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am thankful for the handicap huge public restrooms, because of the fact that I have to two toddlers in a bathroom while I am occupying it. Yuck, I still can't stand public restrooms, but when duty calls, you must surrender.
Running around town, going to doctors appointments and me seeing the obgyn isn't the idea of fun for toddlers, but they really have no idea whats going on anyways. Now when they are 6 or 7 and asking the obgyn doctor..."Whats that", then a sitter will need to be called. Right now I have no choice, Hubby is gone and family is not near.
Hubby came home for a nice 7 day visit at the beginning of July. He was home for our 4 year wedding anniversary and the 4th of July. We drove up to Inidiana-near michigan to visit Andy's whole family. It was a nice mini-vacation. I was very emotional saying goodbye to my other half. But I have this whole 5 bedroom house to pack, and I have to have it done by the 30th of August. I have to pack, touch-up and paint. In the meantime I have a stream of doctor and dental appoinments for all of us.
We are excited to be spending our next 4 years in Norfolk,VA. Curious as to what Andy's new command is going to be like and what their deployment schedule is. Andy thinks he won't be home for Christmas, but we are praying he is.
Here are a few pictures as a little update!
Of course my eyes are shut in this first of two family picture we got while Andy was home.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Finally a Diagnosis!
Come to find out with my list of symptoms most of it is Fibromyalgia which they firmly diagnosed me with today. I also have Scoliosis in my back and Arthritis in my left knee, which is very bad, a bit in my right knee and Arthritis in my sacrum which is terribly bad. They ran a bunch of other blood tests to rule out a thyroid disorder, Lyme disease and Lupus for some other pain I am having and my hair falling out in chunks. They also think that the arthritis in my sacrum could possibly be related to a disease because of my condition and whereabouts of it all. My doctor said it could me chromes disease or colitis. If it is any of that, which I hope not, I might need part of my intestine taken out. I am one big mess right now and dreading hearing about all of my blood work that should all be back within 1 month because they have to mail my blood to Georgia and California.
I am on 3 different medications for the rest of my life. None of what I have can be cured, just dealt with. I will be starting physical therapy 3 days a week at the hospital and seeing my Rheumotologist every couple of months. I will be getting a handicap sign for my car so its easier to get closer to the entrances of stores and whatnot.It is very hard for me to walk or drive for more than 45minutes at a time. I have to take a break and relax for at least 10 minutes before I can do anything again.
I still can't believe they actually found something wrong with me. After all of these years. They took about 10 x-rays today and saw my pain in my knee and in my lower back.
Then the doctor did poking tests around my whole body. I was amazed and how the doctor knew exactly where to touch and thats because he knew exactly where to touch on my body in about 25 different areas that made me scream in pain and jump out of my chair. Thanks to that test I have been in lots of pain all day. Now that is what fibromyalgia is, PAIN 24/7. Some people I have met say they have Fibro and that they are in remission or that they don't have it right now but they did. Well sorry, but you must have gotten missed diagnosed. Fibromyalgia NEVER goes away, you are always in pain. My mom and I both have it and it really HURTS. Sometimes it feels as if you have just the achey feeling of the flu times 10. For 3 days I was in so much pain I couldn't even take care of my children, I had my neighbors helping me and my mother. It was the worst feeling ever.
Hoepfully with my new meds, everything will get easier. I still don't understand how I could have arthritis at 23 years of age, but it might just be a disease that they are waiting for my blood to say. I have to say it all HURTS!
Oh and your sacrum is between your pelvic bone and spine.
I feel better knowing what I have now, and not feeling like an idiot for being in pain all of the time. Now I have reasons to the truth of my pain I have been feeling.
I also still have my appointment to see my neurologist in August. Hoping that goes well!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
My new favorite book
Friday, May 15, 2009
New Baby/Toddler Tip of the DAY!
My Little Miss America
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Funny Face of A 3 Year Old
My 3 Year Old
That loves Katy Perry's Music. Whom is talking in FULL sentences and paragraphs. Whom can tell me how he is feeling and why. Whom can talk back to his parents and tell you what he wants and when he wants and even WHY, (watch out moms with children under the age of 3). Is interested in Space and Firetrucks. Sleeps in, in the morning past everybody else. Brings toys into bed with him, his helicopters and airplanes, as if he is going to get bored, but then falls asleep within 15 minutes of hitting the sheets. Goes potty standing up like a true man, watch out for the floor..sometimes there are shots that go overboard. Sometimes he pretends to be a power-ranger. He is trying to get into the big kid cartoons, some are okay and some I don't think he is ready to watch, or I am not ready for him to watch them (I rather have him watch Noggin or PBS). Loves the big kid girls next door and down the street, he could spend hours with them (Sorry Hunny). I love my 3 year old and I can't believe how fast time has gone, and I love blogs and the kid's aboutmybaby pages for letting me store all of this information to look back on, because now that I am a mom and as the years pass by, my cells in my brain are diminishing and my memory is getting shorter. :)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Chase and Madison Updates
Chase; password; littlesunshine
Madison; password; sweetangel
Please read their updates on their pages. I do all of their updates and post pictures on their sites.
It's Quicker, Easier and EVERYONE gets the e-mails sended automatically from the site.
Thank You!
2 Dorks Are Better Than One
Blogs of people we know
Misc/Crafty/Coupon Blogs
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving1 month ago
Thankful For.....the Decapitated Rat.9 years ago